The Daily Worth founder, Amanda Steinberg outlines the essential financial information women need – and everything the institutions and advisers don’t spell out in her new book Worth It. The average full-time working woman will lose more than $460,000 over a 40 year period due you only to their pay gap. To catch up, she would need to work an extra 12 years.
Until 1974, all American women required a male cosigner to get a credit card. Additionally, if that wasn’t bad enough, a man could take out a second mortgage on the house without consulting her! About 90% of women in the United States will at some point be entirely on their own financially. The idea that men are the providers and women are to be taken care of it’s no longer a reality.
Only about 50% of female responders to a Worth survey felt like they were in control of their day to day finances. By 2030, women will control two-thirds of personal wealth in the United States. That’s about $22 trillion! Don’t be ashamed. Be informed!