The not-so-elaborate plot involved a man returning copious amounts of dirt.
A 22-year old has been arrested over a plot involving the return of over $370,000 worth of dirt. James Kwarteng of Palma de Mallorca, Spain allegedly filled up the boxes of ordered items with dirt, registering it as the exact weight of the product sold. James would then receive a refund from Amazon, after which he would sell the original item for a profit. The returned packages would then end up in an Amazon warehouse, where they are seldom checked.
Kwarteng’ scam wasn’t discovered for a long time. It wasn’t until a random search was conducted that someone stumbled across an open package full of dirt. The scam worked for a while because Amazon’s return policy states that any items bought from the site are available for return within 30 days of receipt. Refunds are normally processed in as little as two business days, and the company works so fast that they don’t check very much when it comes to refunds. These facts perhaps allowed James’ scam to take place. It is also reported that the scam netted James enough money to start his own business.