It’s almost that time of year again…summer! It’s safe to say as summer roles around it becomes harder to focus on your finances with so many fun things occupying your time. So how can you tune out without being financially irresponsible?
To start you’re going to want to go through your tracking and bills. Make sure that you automate some of your bills to avoid those late payments. We’re in the day and age were technology is everything so take advantage of that. Another great idea is to use apps to help you keep tack of spending this way you can get alerts right to your phone anytime and anywhere.
And while we’re talking about automating be sure to do the same with your savings. Take a little bit from every check and put it towards your savings. This way when it comes time for summer and vacations you wont have to focus on your finances…as much. It gives you a little room to breath.
But it doesn’t end here. Be sure to check out the video above to learn how you can take a break from worrying about money during the summer months.