According to a report from Business Insider, many earlier retirees quickly lose interest in spending their hard-earned money on material possessions. Rather, they gain a notable affinity for spending on experiences. In this case, “experiences” means travelling to exotic locales, trying new hobbies and lifestyles, and meeting people or bonding with family members.
Steve Adcock, the owner of the blog ‘Think Save Retire,’ retired at 35. In a statement to Business Insider, Adcock said that “things lose value, but early retirees understand that experiences tend to appreciate within our heads. Today, I would much rather take an inexpensive vacation to somewhere I love (like Sedona, Arizona, for example) than get stuff wrapped up as gifts. Early retirees are over ‘stuff’ and have often found that the less stuff they have, the more simple life becomes.” For birthdays, in lieu of presents, Adcock and his wife buy each other trips to places that have not yet been. Adcock and those like him believe less in splurging on random baubles that they’ll stop caring about in a month, and more on making every dollar count toward making the remainder of their life as fulfilling as possible.