Sometimes, after working at a job for so long, we become “too comfortable” with our environment, causing us to partake in habits that are actually detrimental to our work habits. At the same time, there are certain tips and habits that America has yet to adopt that could increase productivity. Here are some of the best and worst habits to get into at work.
When you’ve been working on salary, sometimes you think “As long as I get my work done, I can do it at my own pace.” If you don’t have opening or closing responsibilities, you might just show up 5 or 10 minutes late consistently. It’s easy to fall into the “constantly late” habit, but it really shows a lack of commitment.
Part of falling into a routine starts before you even get to work. Successful people are known to have extremely strict and persistent daily morning routines that increase their productivity. This leads to higher income.
Work becomes your second home, but don’t keep it cluttered like your real home. Neatness is a key to success, so don’t get too comfortable in your space. It’s not only going to reflect poorly on you, but its going to distract your coworkers. And speaking of coworkers, don’t bring smelly foods for your lunch if you want to keep friends in the office.
There are things in other countries, such as sleeping on the job and having business meetings in saunas, have become commonplace, so there are even a few more habits we could adopt as a country to increase success.