Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the eye of the beholder can’t actually see everything.
Have you ever gone to a garage sale and wondered how much money you could make flipping other people’s “junk?” Well, in some cases something you’d find at a garage sale or on the curb in front of a house is actually worth obscene amounts of money.
Yard sale season has been going on for a while now, so it’s the perfect time to shop around. You likely won’t find much worth a lot of money, but there are always cool or useful things to be found. When it comes to what could land you a jackpot, you honestly never know. Take the example of an original drawing by artist Egon Schiele, which was sold in a Queens Habitat for Humanity thrift shop. While most people didn’t realize it, one lucky customer suspected it was worth serious cash. The drawing is now going for $200,000. In a more extreme example that you’d likely not even realize at first, a girl in Texas found some blank pages at a yard sale, and she wanted to buy them so she could color with them. The book cost $2, but luckily the girl’s parents checked it before the girl could start coloring. It turns out the blanks were stolen artboards that featured the first-ever Avengers comic book, worth $48,000.
You won’t always know what’s worth money and what’s not, but looking around can’t hurt. If you have any particular hobbies, it could be worth it to start checking out yard sales and thrift shops. You never know when knowledge you have and others don’t will lead to you getting an amazing deal.