If you haven’t already picked up your Ridge Wallet and are still carrying around a bulky wallet, here are some additional tips on how to reduce the size of your wallet and let you keep only the most important things in your pocket.
First off, never carry more than two credit cards, as that increases your chance of theft. Having too many cards to keep track of will make it hard to keep track of all of them, as well as which one you want to actually spend money on. Additionally, if you’re trying to prevent theft, keep a picture of your kid or a baby in there. Wallets with pictures in them are less likely to be stolen.
So what should you NOT keep in your wallet? Gift cards are one thing. Because they are easy to access by anyone, only take them with you when you plan on spending them. Additionally, never keep your social security card in your wallet, because the easiest way to get your identity stolen is by having that on you.
Wochit News also recommends keeping at least one 20 dollar bill on you at all times. “Cash is still king” and you will never know when you need some extra bills. So eliminate that bulkiness of your wallet with these key tips on space-saving and security.