How often do you end up on social media throughout the day? Probably a lot! And as it turns out, your next job may come from a powerful social presense. That’s right, reports that 92% of employers are utilizing social media to hire! And believe it or not it’s not just Linkedin. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all becoming job hibs as well! So here is how you can get noticed and get hired:
1. Personality Lands Jobs
Many companies are really into company culture, so if you don’t get along with current employees right from the start, employers might not see you as a good fit. So make sure your social media presence is polished and lets your personality shine through.
2. Show A Wide Range Of Interests
Make sure you show a lot of different interests because they will show that you are not only well rounded, but some might show that you’re a leader as well. says 42% of employers use a social profile to learn if a candidate has multiple interests.
3. Display Awards And Accolades
If you have been a star at your previous job or even if you’re still in college post it on your social. A photo that can back something up that’s listed on your resume can be twice as effective.