When you’re a teenager most of the time you think your unstoppable, you rule the world, and you especially think you know everything about anything. Well, when we asked the pros they said that when they were teenagers they wish someone was there to tell them what they should and shouldn’t of been doing especially when it comes to money and saving.
So, if your older and reading this its never too late to stop in on some advice and maybe you can even share it with someone younger that you know. However, if you are a teenager reading this, well, you came to the right place! So, what should you know about saving and money?
- Put away a portion of what you make: If you are working or getting money from family, be sure to put a good portion of it away and leave only a little for spending. The more you leave in your checking account, the more you want to spend. The more you put into your savings account the more you will save. You may want that new phone or computer and you can have it but earn it with the little money you put in your checking you will be a lot happier when you come out of college with extra cash.
- Discipline yourself early: It is very important at a young age to be able to discipline yourself. Once you get into a routine of saving, it will be hard to break that. The more you save the better. This little habit of putting your money away will stick with you for the rest of your life if you start young enough.
So, what’s the takeaway from all of this? When asking the pros, they said that teenagers with more discipline and money saving skills at a young age will be more successful and frugal as they get older. These skills that you start now will carry you throughout your life and you wont regret it. Start now and watch your savings grow!