No matter how perfect your relationship is, there’s always one thing that’s bound to cause issues at some point in its lifespan: money. Couples argue over finances day and night, and it could be the leading cause for that relationship to end. Don’t let budgeting be the breaking point of your happily ever after. Instead, be aware of how your money habits could be affecting your relationships.
The first bad money habit for couples is keeping entirely separate bank accounts. If you can’t trust each other with money, how could you trust someone to keep you happily eternally? This is not a step to take in a budding relationship; rather, it’s one that comes along later in the life span. It will help you learn to manage money, each other, and finances all at once.
The next bad money habit is gift-giving. Sure, we like to surprise our spouse. Sometimes, however, your significant other will be more shocked that you spent money on something frivolous rather than put it towards good use. Make sure you not only have a regular budget in play, but a gift-spending budget as well.
There are millions of more ways that money can affect relationships, but listing them all here would take away from the exploration of finances with a potential fiancé. For more information, watch the full video playlist above.