It doesn’t come as a surprise that “things” aren’t really what makes us happy, according to experts. Neither things nor success are what make us truly happy…so what is it that will give us lasting happiness? Experiences. Namely, seeing new things. Spending time with those we love. Ryan Howell, assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University, came to this conclusion during a study on happiness. What better way to add to your experience arsenal than to travel to somewhere as stunning as Haida Gwaii.
Just 90 miles off of the northern coast of British Columbia, the ‘Canadian Galápagos’ is a nature-packed trip for the nature-loving enthusiast. It got its nickname as the Canadian Galápagos for its diverse and abundant wildlife. The dream doesn’t end at the wildlife, though. There are music festivals, there is great fishing and hiking and even surfing.
So, remember…the next time you go to spend your money on something that is a ‘thing’ or a ‘possession,’ maybe reconsider. Go out and experience new things, because money spent on happiness is money well spent.