The economy’s on the up and employers are looking to next year’s budgets, hopefully with a slightly more positive attitude. So what better time to evaluate your worth to a company and push yourself to the next level. Asking your employer can be a daunting situation o navigate. So here is a simple and easy five point strategy to abide by when its crunch time!
- Do your research: Know what your company’s strengths and weakness are and be ready to tell how you can move the company in the right direction. This isn’t a conversation that is done on the fly, make sure you know what someone in your position should be earning.
- Be realistic: Know your limits. Make sure you know that there is a good and a bad time to ask for a raise. You don’t want to be asking your employer for a bonus when they just had a death in the family, be smart.
- Time it right for yourself: It is most appropriate to ask for a raise once you have just had a major achievement. Do it when your success is fresh in your manager’s mind.
- Time it right for your manager and company: This could be when the company just landed a new deal this will be ideal as they have some extra cash coming in.
- Be flexible: If your manager is unable to offer you a raise don’t be afraid to ask for other incentives. For example, more vacation time, a more flexible schedule, and more.
Asking for a raise can be a tough situation but don’t let it ruin your day. Keep a positive mindset, do your research, and know what you’re asking for. So, go for it! Ask for that raise and you may surprise yourself with the answer you could potentially receive!