The best way to budget is not just to plan where your money is going, but also stretching your budget as far as it can go. One way many people are going about this process is through meal prep. For those of you unfamiliar, meal prep includes making all of the food you want for a period of time, usually a week, and then portioning it out so you have food set aside for each meal. This ensures that you never have to spend extra money on food because you have every breakfast, lunch, and dinner planned out.
Meal prep doesn’t only save time, but it can save money. Here are a few ways you can make your meal prep smoother and more efficient. First, create smoothie bags using locally sourced fruits which and freeze them in Ziploc bags. In the morning, you only need to pour the bag in a smoothie, add yogurt and milk, and you’re good to go for the morning.
Eggs are another cheap food that’s good for meal prep. Boil your eggs in the oven rather than in a pot so you don’t have to wait the extra time for the water to reach maximum temperature. Additionally, get familiar with frozen foods section of your grocery store because these fruits are inexpensive but are picked at the peak of freshness. Try and prep food based on your season, and you’ll start saving more money in less time.