Mini-habits are routines with a ridiculously simple objective. With time, it’s the little things that add up to one incredible result. These mini routines need just a little effort to complete, so the likelihood of failure is minimal. When you combine a strong work ethic with these minimal effort actions, the results can be extremely lucrative. a great example of a mini-habit is reading two pages of your favorite (or perhaps not-so-favorite) book each night, until you finish it. Though it took you longer to do than putting all your time and effort into it would, you still absorbed the information and finished the book.
Learning a second language is also a great goal to use mini-habits towards. Focus on learning just one or a few words each day, until you build a strong vocabulary. Who knows, once you remove the overwhelming feeling of too much to do at once, you may find you can handle more and more each day. Though mini-habits may seem useless because of the small amount of effort they require, achieving small goals each day can do a lot to boost your self esteem and motivate you in other areas of your life.
Once you’ve got the hang of these mini-habits, and you’ve included one or a few into your daily routine, it’s good to start adding journaling as well. Daily self-reflections on what you achieved, how you achieved it, and how you will do better is a great way to continue to add fuel to the motivation fire.