Everyone knows you need to put your best foot forward in the workplace. A key part of fostering a professional environment is participating in the workplace in appropriate attire. You’ve likely heard the term “business casual” being thrown around, but what that means to you could be very different than what it means to the next person. But how do you know if you are dressed ideally for your workplace and are not being silently judged by your coworkers? The key is to find the right balance, without being under or over-dressed. You want to look nice, but more often than not, you won’t need a tie on the job.
Stylists recommend a more conservative, dressy approach for your job interview. Once you’ve landed a job, it becomes important to scope out the workplace until you get a better feel for the company’s culture. Start with the classics until you have a feel for the way others are dressing for work. During this phase, avoid wearing jeans and stick to slacks and a nice shirt. For women, it’s recommended to avoid leggings and make sure skirts and dresses pass the ‘fingertip’ test and go lower than your fingertips with your arm relaxed. Neon colors or flashy patterns are also an unsafe bet if you are just getting started at a new workplace.