When it comes to their optimistic outlook on life, Generation X, the Baby Boomers, and even millennials often comment on Gen Z.
While older generations tend to critique the younger ones, in this case, it seems that the observations about Gen Z may be accurate. According to a study, Gen Z aspires to achieve fame and wealth, but unfortunately, the current financial environment doesn’t appear to be in their favor.
Research by Morning Consult indicates that Gen Z places even more importance on fame and fortune in their lives compared to millennials. The survey, which involved over 3,000 adults, also showed that money holds greater significance for Gen Z than for millennials, with 7 out of 10 Gen Z individuals considering making money to be “very important.” In terms of fame, a smaller percentage of individuals are concerned with it compared to money. While 6 out of 10 millennials prioritize making money, only 7% prioritize fame. Conversely, among Gen Z individuals, 12% prioritize fame.
Having high aspirations is generally positive, but both millennials and Gen Z face various challenges. The younger generation is encountering rising living costs alongside a student loan crisis that is burdening many young Americans with debt. These factors have contributed to a widening generational wealth gap. Analysis of Federal Reserve data by MagnifyMoney shows that baby boomers have a significantly higher net worth than Americans in the same age group did 20 years ago. Conversely, millennials are falling behind their counterparts from 1998. Overall, the younger population is faring less favorably in today’s economy. While there are numerous opportunities to attain fame and wealth, the current economic conditions are not conducive for the younger generation.