A Simple Cup of Tea Won’t Solve This Issue.
Are you one of the many people losing sleep due to financial concerns? According to Business Insider, more than half of American adults suffer from financial stress, with the types of money issues causing sleepless nights varying by age.
The primary financial worry plaguing most Americans is their day-to-day expenses. This is a common concern across all age brackets and encompasses necessities such as food and fuel. These expenses are often challenging to cut down on, as they are essential components of daily life. While some discretionary spending can be reduced, cutting back on vital items like food and beverages can disrupt individuals’ routines. Opting to make coffee at home may be cheaper, but many people find it impractical given their busy schedules. Addressing this major financial issue involves approaching expenses one step at a time. Trying to curtail spending across the board typically fails, but focusing on individual areas can lead to more successful budgeting.
In addition to daily expenses, retirement and healthcare are significant financial worries for many Americans. While a majority lose sleep over financial matters, the specific concerns break down as follows:
Everyday expenses: 32%
Retirement: 24%
Healthcare and insurance costs: 22%
Credit card debt: 18%