Champagne doesn’t have to be expensive. Even though it’s reserved for some of the fancier occasions in life, sometimes a nice bottle of bubbly can help you sleep or spice up any occasion. The last thing you need, however, is to get a cheap bottle that leaves you with a killer headache due to the high sugar content. Here’s how to shop for champagne on a budget.
Not only have I included a list of some of the best sparkling wines and champagnes above, but there’s also a method to picking the perfect Prosecco or whatever your champagne choice may be. The key is to find a bottle around the 30 dollar mark that has the words “méthod traditionalle” on its label. These words mean that the fermentation that creates the bubbles in champagne happened naturally within the bottle, not with added sugar or other methods.
Why does this matter? Because the carbonation that makes champagne so good needs to be done the proper way. Sometimes, this second fermentation method can be what jacks up the price of good champagne, but even the priciest bottles might not be made this way. So next time you’re at the wine or liquor store, look for those two key words, and that’s how you know you’ll be getting quality champagne without having to break the bank.