There are common traffic violations that can lead to a rise in insurance costs, which are a significant part of transportation expenses.
Car insurance rates can vary widely depending on factors like your driving history, vehicle, and location. However, certain traffic violations can result in substantially higher insurance premiums than what’s indicated on the ticket. Having a good driving record is the most effective way to reduce insurance costs. Your premium reflects the level of risk you pose to your insurance provider. While some factors affecting premiums are beyond your control or may seem unfair, such as young drivers and females paying more on average nationwide, there are specific types of tickets you should avoid at all costs. The Zebra, an insurance comparison site, has identified the types of tickets that have the most significant impact on insurance premiums.
Avoid texting while driving as getting caught can result in an almost 20% increase in your annual premium. A texting and driving ticket typically raises an individual’s premium by 19%, or $288 on average.
Speeding tickets are notorious for causing a substantial increase in annual premiums, averaging $341. Driving under the influence can lead to a 74% hike in premiums for the average driver, amounting to an average of $1086 per year. Whether you are at fault or not, collisions can be quite costly. At-fault collisions increase the average driver’s premium by 42%, around $617 annually, while not-at-fault collisions still add almost $100 to the average driver’s yearly premium. If you are concerned about collisions, remember to buckle up! Failing to wear a seat belt can cost the average driver an additional $60 per year through increased insurance premiums.
Lastly, running a red light can result in a 22% increase in your insurance premium, averaging $330 annually.