Bad habits can hold you back, professionally. While many people figure out how to overcome their self-sabatoge as young adults, others have to work especially hard to get ahead in their careers.
Work toward putting yourself in a position to get a better-paying job. While it may be tempting to focus on short-term financial gains, on average, Americans amass 90% of their net worth after they turn 40.
Since many people will work well past the traditional retirement age of 65, there’s a lot of time to save and invest. Now is the time to gain experience, focus career goals, and get as much useful education as possible without racking up a ton of debt.
Concentrate on acquiring transferable skills. These will serve you well at any job you choose in the future. Make meaningful connections, as well. Your relationships with coworkers and colleagues will last longer than your current position at your company. Those relationships could be the key to your next better job, as well.
Build skills now that will help future-proof your career. Learn about how your job may change with new technological developments and make sure you have the skills and education to remain viable in the ever-changing marketplace.