You can’t be too careful these days, as credit card skimmers seem to be everywhere. The latest trend for fraudulent activity is at gas stations, since people are less likely to suspect a card skimmer at a gas pump than at an ATM. Often times, the scanners are so small or so well hidden that it is hard to see them, especially if you’re unaware of them.
Here’s how you can protect yourself from credit card fraud at gas stations:
1. The simplest thing you can do is become aware. This means looking for skimmers and being vigilant with it.
2. Gas pumps have tamper-evident seals that are very easy to be aware of. If one is broken or tampered with, it’s evident you should avoid using that pump.
3. Block your hand whenever you’re using the gas pump keypad.
4. Using the pump closest to the cashier is one of the easier ways to avoid any sketchy activity.
5. If you use cash when you pay for gas, you don’t have to worry about any of the four tips listed above!