Ah domestic bliss! Once you’ve got your errand runs and shopping routines down to a science, it can be unsettling to realize that you’re not getting as much as you used to for the same price. Many products have been quietly downsizing their quantities without changing the amount you’re paying. So how can you tell you’re getting what you paid for? Follow these simple tricks to shop smart and avoid getting tricked:
First, check the net weight every time you buy a product and compare it to the other items on the shelf. Sometimes two items, even from the same brand, can appeal nearly identical until you take a closer look. While they may be the same in price and size, a difference in weight could tell you which is the smarter buy.
Product packing can also be deceptive, for example, items in boxes like cereal can seem the same on first glance, you’ll see that some are in fact smaller! But it’s not just cereal that’s getting tricky, check out your jar of peanut butter to see if there’s an especially large indent on the bottom, chances are, you’re getting less.
Lastly, be on the lookout for marketing catchphrases, words like “new & improved”, “healthier” or “greener” can sometimes create the illusion of a new item, when actually you’re spending the same amount of money on less product. For some smart shopping help, check out the “grocery shrink ray” on consumerist.com to stay up to date on new tips.