Money scams are something you need to avoid. There’s always going to be the cashier at the end of your purchase who tries to push that one extra add-on to your sale, just to make the company more money. Avoiding these add-ons is a must, but one thing people might also be wasting money on is purchase and item warranties.
You might think you must have a protection plan for your iPhone or whatever new gadget you just got, but here’s why you might not. First off, manufacturer warranties usually come included with expensive products. Salespeople are trying to get you to buy their company’s plan, which covers the exact same thing, but maybe at an extended lifetime. Check out what your manufacturer already covers before jumping the gun.
Secondly, most people buy those protection plans because they’re afraid they’re going to accidentally break or damage their phone, television, etc. Most of these extended protection plans do not cover unintentional damages, and are only for internal issues. You might think you’re being smart by covering yourself, but you might be wasting money if you don’t check to see exactly what you’re paying coverage for.
I wouldn’t always advise against a protection plan. I just got one on my brand new TV the other day. But make sure you know what you’re buying in an extended warranty before you go ahead and make the purchase.