Reports on backlash for the new iPhone’s pricing structure have been surging as the release date for the device edges closer. CEO Tim Cook has decided to address these issues head on by addressing the public and defending the high price point. For those who do not know, the new breed of iPhone, the XS and XS Max, range from $999 to $1499, the most expensive and largest phones to date.
On the matter of this topic, Cook decided to release a statement, saying “We found that people want to have the most innovative product available and it’s not cheap to do that.” This statement, made on Good Morning America, reinforced that Apple has some of the most advanced products on the market.
Additionally, Cook went on to reinforce that most people use a financing payment plan in order to get their iPhone. These plans, which function through mobile carriers, make it so people are really only paying 30-60 dollars a month. While this is a bit more affordable, some people don’t want that heavyweight or extra debt. For them, there’s always the iPhone XR, which starts at $749 and will be released in October.