When people tell you to “get with the times,” what do you think of? In the job hunting world, it means its time for you to retire your old job-hunting habits and adapt to the current culture of the economy. Business Insider reports that career counselors are ditching three pieces of advice we used to use all the time to find jobs. Here they are, so you can update your job hunting skills.
1. Follow Your Passion
Passion and competency do not equate. Gone are the days where someone can “follow their dreams” and make millions at the same time. Instead, match what you’re good at with what you enjoy. Picking a career you aren’t competent in and pursuing it can be not only a waste of time, but a financial burden.
2. Call To Action
Businesses used to admire willingness and readiness, but now companies can be threatened by it. Ending your resume with a call-to-action, saying you’ll follow up, is something we just don’t see any more. You end up coming off as egotistical, when in reality you want employers to see you as level-headed.
3. Dress To Impress
Speaking of appearing level-headed, wearing a suit or business professional attire is not always the way to go for an interview. Instead, scope out the company beforehand to see what employees wear to work, then match their dress code so that you can seamlessly transition in without looking like a standout for the company culture.
So it’s time to say goodbye to these three habits and develop some new ones for our ever-changing society.